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I Am A Successful Artist, Nick Morely AKA LinocutBoy on Etsy |
Feel free to send me other links to add to these resources!
delappe "@" unr.edu
Links to Lists of Best Artist's Websites:
•BloinArtInfo story of top artist's websites.
•ArtFCity response to BloinArtInfo story.
•Huffington Post 2010 story best artist's websites.
Some other cool artist's websites:
•Steve Lambert - http://visitsteve.com/
•Wafaa Bilal - http://wafaabilal.com/
•Jake and Dinos Chapman - http://jakeanddinoschapman.com/
•Yael Kanarek - http://www.worldofawe.net/
•Erika Harrsch - http://www.erikaharrsch.com/
•Guerllmo Gomez-Pena - http://www.pochanostra.com/
•David Choe - http://davidchoe.com/
•Anish Kapoor - http://anishkapoor.com/
•Misaki Kawai - http://www.misakikawai.com/
•Marina Zurkow - http://www.o-matic.com/
•Cory Archangel - http://www.coryarcangel.com/
•Jodi Collective - http://zyx-app.com/
•Yale Department of Art - http://art.yale.edu/
•WebPagesThatSuck.com - http://www.webpagesthatsuck.com/
Artist Website Templates and Tools:
•20 Great Indexhibit Artist's Websites.
•Wordpress Templates for Artist's Portfolio Sites.
•Tumblr Templates for Artist's Websites.
•10 Tools for Artist's Websites
•12 Essential Tools for Building Artist's Websites
•Other People's Pixels - http://otherpeoplespixels.com/
Online Blogs about Art:
•Top 100 Contemporary Art Blogs
Resources for Artists - Competitions, Residencies, Grants, Sales:
•Creative Capital - http://www.creative-capital.org/
•California Arts Council - http://www.cac.ca.gov/
•RU Residency Unlimited - http://www.residencyunlimited.org/
•Art Deadlines List - http://www.artdeadlineslist.com/
•Etsy - http://www.etsy.com/
•Rhizome.org - http://rhizome.org/
•Furtherfield - http://www.furtherfield.org/
•Creative Applications Network - http://www.creativeapplications.net/
•New Media Caucus - http://www.newmediacaucus.org/
•College Arts Association - http://www.collegeart.org/
•New York Foundation for the Arts - http://www.nyfa.org/
•Flak Photo - http://flakphoto.com/
•National Association of Latino Arts and Culture - http://www.nalac.org/
•Chicago Artist Resource - http://www.chicagoartistsresource.org/
•Berlin Artlink - http://www.berlinartlink.com/
•Spring Board for the Arts - http://springboardforthearts.org/
•Call for Entry - https://www.callforentry.org/
•The International Sculpture Center - http://sculpture.org/
•Art Opportunities Monthly - http://www.artopportunitiesmonthly.com/
•Artslant - http://www.artslant.com/
•Contemporary Performance Network - http://contemporaryperformance.org/
•SPAN Social Practices Art Network - http://www.socialpracticesartnetwork.com/
•Center for Artistic Activism - http://artisticactivism.org/
•CARFAC - http://www.carfac.ca/tools/fees/
•FEAST - CSA - http://www.thelinemedia.com/features/csafeast.aspx
Books, Readings, Surveys:
•How to Survive and Prosper as an Artist - http://www.carollmichels.com/
•The Artist's Guide - http://www.artistcareerguide.com/
•Seven Days in the Artworld - http://sarah-thornton.com/
•The Reenchantment of Art - good reads.com
•Plausible Art Worlds - http://www.plausibleartworlds.org/
•SNAAP Strategic National Arts Alumni Project - http://snaap.indiana.edu/
•Is the MFA the new MBA? - http://www.fastcompany.com/3007541/mfa-new-mba